Some of my favorite Quotes
"Everything rises and falls on leadership." John Maxwell
"We grow great by dreams. All great men are dreamers." Woodrow Wilson (no relation)
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world." Mohatma Gandhi

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Beginning words

For some time I've been posting quotes and short phrases of truth that I've read from some great books on facebook. This blog will extend my thoughts and perspectives on some of the things I am exposed to through books and association with people much more successful than I am. I've had the pleasure of being associated with some great people and a couple of great organizations for the past few years. As a result I've changed many habits that I let control my life for years and as a result I hope I'm changing for the better myself. I got in the habit of letting what television, radio and friends "told me" to do for too long. The power of suggestion is a powerful excuse to do things, even if they're not right. Take for instance commercials we've probably all seen on television. They normally tell you nothing about their products, but through pictures, they show you what buying their product will get you. The suggestion is that almost automatically you will be surrounded by beautiful women (or handsome men) and your world will be transformed into one of joy and happiness. We know better if we think about it. The reality is that we don't think about it. Our subconscious minds see an appealing picture and then we do what we must in order to make that picture come true. The problem is that we are normally not in control of what we put into our subconscious. The important thing to realize is that we can control what we put into our subconscious. In doing this, we actually control what we act upon in order to make those pictures we have in our subconscious come true. Two important questions are: Which pictures are we going to allow to be put into our subconscious? and Who will decide what pictures get put into our subconscious?
One of the most useful things to remember in many ways for those who want to grow to be better is a quote by Charlie Jones. He said something like, "In 5 years, you will be the same person you are today except for the books you read and the people you associate with." I and the people I've been fortunate to be associated with, have chosen to read good books in order to "stand on the shoulders of giants" on our way to self-improvement. Along with reading good books and associating with people who share a common vision listening to personally motivating audios goes a long way to changing what's in our subconscious mind.

This Blog aims at sharing things I've learned through attending powerful leadership seminars, listening to leadership audios and reading worthwhile books. My hope is that it will be useful to all who read it in their quest toward self-improvement. The end result is that others will seek to improve themselves in the same way. The goal is that we become a nation of leaders who are more concerned with DOING RIGHT instead of BEING RIGHT. My hope is that our world will cease being controlled by what the advertisers, news media and politicians continually pump into our minds, and will begin to be controlled by doing the right things, not the easy or popular things. The organization I'm associated with has set a goal of getting 1 million leaders together in order to make a lasting impact on our nation and our world.
Follow me on this journey.

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